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image upload and resize


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 16:01 PM

hey everyone,
i have a question, there's an example of using the file upload, and a callback to resize the image using image_moo..
i can use this no problem as far as the upload goes, however when it comes to resizing, what are the restrictions on file size/dimensions?
i've had no problems uploading large file sizes, or even large dimensions, provided that the width x height arent large.
for example, i can upload a file that's 3000px wide by 12px high and it resizes no problem, same if i swap the width and height.
so i would've thought that i would be fine with a 3000px X 3000px image, but it never seems to work.
Like i said, the upload works, but the resizing times out (i just keep getting the spinning circle after the image has uploaded, and a thumbnail is never generated)

does anyone have any info on what restrictions there are? or how (if possible) to over ride them?
im building a cms for an elderly lady to upload images, and she's really not going to be able to resize them prior to uploading.

