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slight problem when adding/updating a record

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 13:36 PM


Whenever I add or update a record it gives me a fatal error that says it doesn't know the function json_encode in the grocery_crud library.
However, when I check my database it seems that the record that I was modifying/adding was changed as I would like, but how do I get rid of the error?
It's quite the annoyance if anyone can help me it would be nice.

Here's the error message:
[quote][b]Fatal error[/b][color=#000000]: Call to undefined function json_encode() in [/color][b]/srv/www/html/projecten/project11/studypointer/application/libraries/grocery_crud.php[/b][color=#000000] on line [/color][b]1580[/b][/quote]