class grocery_crud_sqlite3 extends grocery_crud_model{
function get_list()
if($this->table_name === null)
return false;
$select = "`{$this->table_name}`.*";
//set_relation special queries
foreach($this->relation as $relation)
list($field_name , $related_table , $related_field_title) = $relation;
$unique_join_name = $this->_unique_join_name($field_name);
$unique_field_name = $this->_unique_field_name($field_name);
$related_field_title = str_replace(" "," ",$related_field_title);
$cierre=", '')||'";
$select .= ", ('$replace2') as $unique_field_name";
$select .= ", $unique_join_name.$related_field_title AS $unique_field_name";
$select .= ", `{$this->table_name}`.$related_field_title AS '{$this->table_name}.$related_field_title'";
//set_relation_n_n special queries. We prefer sub queries from a simple join for the relation_n_n as it is faster and more stable on big tables.
$select = $this->relation_n_n_queries($select);
$this->db->select($select, false);
if(CI_VERSION == '2.1.0' || CI_VERSION == '2.1.1')//This hack is only for the release 2.1.1 that it seems that it has lot of bugs. They didn't even change the CI_VERSION to 2.1.1!
$results = $this->_hack_for_CI_2_1_1()->data;
$results = $this->db->get($this->table_name)->result();
return $results;
protected function _hack_for_CI_2_1_1()
//Quietly check if the query will be executed or not
$temp_debug_value = $this->db->db_debug;
$this->db->db_debug = false;
$db_result = $this->db->get($this->table_name);
//back to normal
$this->db->db_debug = $temp_debug_value;
/* Don't worry ONLY if the query doesn't execute correctly we will try for a second chance. */
if($db_result === false)
/* I got you! Now we will try to execute the query with the normal way and without the bug of the CI */
$query = str_replace("`","",$this->db->last_query());
$results = array();
* Second chance let's execute again the query with the old way as codeigniter add always AUTOMATICALLY grave_accent. There is not another way to deal with this. I know this is an ugly solution but
* I couldn't figure out another solution without changing the core of CI. If anyone has another idea about this it will be appreciated.
$db_query = $this->db->query($query) or show_error("<b>Query failed:</b> ".mysql_error()."<br/><b>Actual query:</b> ".$query);
$results = $db_query->result_array();
$results = (object)array('data' => $results, 'num_rows' => $db_query->num_rows() );
return $results;
return (object)array('data' => $db_result->result(), 'num_rows' => $db_result->num_rows());
function get_relation_array($field_name , $related_table , $related_field_title, $where_clause, $order_by, $limit = null, $search_like = null)
$relation_array = array();
$field_name_hash = $this->_unique_field_name($field_name);
$related_primary_key = $this->get_primary_key($related_table);
$select = "$related_table.$related_primary_key, ";
$related_field_title = str_replace(" ", " ", $related_field_title);
$cierre=", '')||'";//", '')||'";
$select .= "('".str_replace(array('{','}'),array($apertura,$cierre),str_replace("'","\\'",$related_field_title))."') as $field_name_hash";
$select .= "$related_table.$related_field_title as $field_name_hash";
if($where_clause !== null)
if($where_clause !== null)
if($limit !== null)
if($search_like !== null)
$this->db->having("$field_name_hash LIKE '%".$this->db->escape_like_str($search_like)."%'");
$order_by !== null
? $this->db->order_by($order_by)
: $this->db->order_by($field_name_hash);
$results = $this->db->get($related_table)->result();
foreach($results as $row)
$relation_array[$row->$related_primary_key] = $row->$field_name_hash;
return $relation_array;
function field_exists($field,$table_name = null)
$table_name = $this->table_name;
foreach($this->db->query("pragma table_info($table_name);")->result() as $db_field_type)
return true;
return false;
function get_field_types_basic_table()
return $this->get_field_types($this->table_name);
function get_field_types($table_name)
$db_field_types = array();
foreach($this->db->query("pragma table_info($table_name);")->result() as $db_field_type)
$type = explode("(",$db_field_type->type);
$db_type = $type[0];
$length = substr($type[1],0,-1);
$length = '';
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]=new stdClass();
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]->db_max_length = $length;
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]->db_type = $db_type;
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]->db_null = $db_field_type->notnull == 1;
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]->db_extra = $db_field_type->pk?'auto_increment':'';//???
$db_field_types[$db_field_type->name]->primary_key = $db_field_type->pk;
return $db_field_types;
Suport for sqlite3
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Posted 05 July 2012 - 18:46 PM
Posted 05 July 2012 - 18:56 PM
Posted 11 July 2012 - 08:13 AM