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Grocery crud w/ image crud to work in IE

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:57 PM

Image crud : http://www.web-and-development.com/image-crud-an-automatic-multiple-image-uploader-for-codeigniter/

Hi all,

Being that grocery crud can currently only upload one image at a time, I found image crud to be a great feature. Linking image crud with grocery crud by using the "action" feature in grocery is a very powerful feature. The only problem is that image crud uploading doesn't work in IE. I am not a professional developer but have tried to figure the bug out myself. It seems the file never gets properlly uploaded using IE. Then , php errors show up since image crud tries to resize an invalid image. I have checked the fileuploader file that it uses and it claims it supports ie7+. Can someone possibly look at image crud (using IE) to fix this awesome feature? I'd really love to see this work properlly.

I am only a hobbiest type of developer and my debugging skills are limited (especially in IE) but see lots of potential in this. I know the project is not actively being developed but thought maybe the community could use awareness and could help with it. I'd totally offer a beer for this one!!

Thanks :)

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 14:52 PM

[member='jrowe'] The first thing that I will do when the project will be active developed by me again is to fix this bug. Of course I will inform you to treet me a beer after creating this feature ;) (The donation is for my favorite beer - Chimay) . Who else offers a beer for this ? hehehehe :D

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 15:03 PM


To show good faith and appreciation for your work, enjoy a nice cold Chimay on me!! (shezzy)

Thanks again for all your work & dedication :D

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Posted 26 June 2012 - 15:15 PM

Oh well thank you very much :D . I really want to have the image crud active developed as it is an old project and really thank you for your appreciation of my work. I am not promising anything though as I am focused to the grocery CRUD now and I want to add some awesome new features at the next version.

As always not promising ... and as always giving my best :-)

Thanks again

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Posted 29 June 2012 - 10:34 AM

+1 for this feature request!

Johnny have a nice cold Chimay on me too. Please enjoy.

Thank you for your hard work on this


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Posted 29 June 2012 - 18:11 PM

:D Well thank you :D

I have to start develop again image-crud as it is really important to have a quick and stable photo-gallery and nowadays every website has at least one photo gallery and why to spend ages every time to created it. Right? :)

When I will start develop it again I will inform you guys.


Kindest Regards


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 20:50 PM

Has this IE bug been fixed? If development for it has been reactivated I would say this should be priority.. thanks

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 22:21 PM

Well guys I am very happy to announce that now image CRUD works fine with IE too :D :D :D

Lorenzo Meneghetti
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Posted 01 February 2013 - 09:13 AM

you are great! I owe you a beer....
I'm using a lot of your code and I thank you.

Гэрэлт-Од Гоцбаяр
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Posted 27 February 2013 - 15:21 PM

Bookmarking for future use.

Mamdouh AlRamadan
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Posted 03 May 2013 - 19:36 PM

Well guys I am very happy to announce that now image CRUD works fine with IE too :D :D :D

no it's not... and it's driving me crazy on IE10 and IE9. any help will be much appreciated 

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 03:55 AM

Well I'm able to upload picture in IE9, but notice that I can only upload one picture at a time as compared to chrome where I can upload as many pictures as I want

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 15:35 PM



I think the problem is the IE9 with jquery.  'm having trouble creating records and upload images. I have installed jquery 1.7 and no errors with IE9. I'm going to change the version of jquery.



Sorry, my english es very bad. :)

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:31 AM

I found several plugins not working with IE when upgrading to jQuery 1.9.1. Not sure if this is related but it definitely fixed all my other addons.


Found that you need to include jquery.migrate.js


Hope this helps someone.



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 20:36 PM

Hello [member='Kobus'], Image CRUD is still using the jquery-1.8.2.min.js so I think this is not the case.


By the way the bug for internet explorer is now fixed. You can try to download the latest version from github to try it.




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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:37 AM

Hello [member='Kobus'], Image CRUD is still using the jquery-1.8.2.min.js so I think this is not the case.


By the way the bug for internet explorer is now fixed. You can try to download the latest version from github to try it.





I notice that you can only upload one picture at a time tho in IE, have you seen that? Is it suppose to be multiple uploads like other browsers can do?

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:30 AM

Hello [member=jrowe].

The multiple upload feature is not implemented on the latest stable version, sorry.

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:39 PM

Hello [member=jrowe].

The multiple upload feature is not implemented on the latest stable version, sorry.

You mean for v1.4 the multiple upload feature is not implemented for IE only or all browsers? Wouldn't that be a step backwards?

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 13:05 PM

Sorry! Completely misunderstood your question! I thought you were asking for Grocery CRUD, which doesn't have multiple upload.

For Image CRUD obviously multiple upload stays as a feature.

I haven't checked the latest development version so I can't tell you what happens with IE!

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:25 AM

Hello [member='Kobus'], Image CRUD is still using the jquery-1.8.2.min.js so I think this is not the case.


By the way the bug for internet explorer is now fixed. You can try to download the latest version from github to try it.





Hi Johnny,


Thanks - I see. I am currently managing well with GC for my image uploads though - I have a need in IC that you said before was not possible: setting meta data and a URL the image must link to. When uploading an image, I want to set it as active or not and also provide a URL where it must link to. I currently do this better with GC, with the limitation of uploading only one image at a time. I unfortunately am not good enough with OOP to make IC better for myself, so I have to wait a while until this feature is available in IC by default :-)

