Essentially if using a UUID as the primary key of the main table, if adding a record the relationship is not saved. There are entries in the relationship table but the primary key is 0. If you edit the record and save all is fine. Is there any way to hack this to work? I have tried callback_add field to set the UUID of the primary key and call_back_before_insert.
Here is my sample code fields have been renamed to simplify
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud->columns('name', 'description');
$crud->set_relation_n_n( 'sub_items','items_to_sub_items','sub_items','item_id','sub_item_id','sub_item_name','priority');
$markup = $crud->render();
//$this->crud_model->uuid() uses MySql to generate a UUID
//This was my first attempt
function item_id_callback() {
return'<input type="hidden" name="item_id" value="'.$this->crud_model->uuid().'">';
//This was my second attempt
function add_uuid_to_item_id($post_array) {
return $post_array;