Maybe someone could help me.
I'm quite new in CI and mostly in groceryCRUD.
I started a new project with a few changes which make it different from the core version of the CI.
I mean I added a modul support for the core, so now I can arrange my modules a better HMVC way. I think....
Here is my app:
and so on.
So every module has one MVC
I added the CRUD to my login module because in one page I would like to list all of the users, and want a function to add/insert/edit them.
here is a code snippet from the login.php controller:
function all() {
$output = $this->grocery_crud->render();
$data['grid'] = $output;
$data['main_content'] = 'all_user';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
And here is a view:
<?php $this->load->view('includes/templates/header_menu');?>
<div id="banner-wrap">
<div id="banner" class="container_24 rounded">
<div id="content_inside">
echo $grid->output;
<!-- end banner-wrap -->
The grid is showing up so it's good and when I want to edit/insert/delete all the functions are working. The problem is when I do an action after on the next page my site is brokeing down.
So here is the page: http://localhost/7sa....php/login/all/
I insert a row and my page redirect here: http://localhost/7sa...ogin/all/insert
And here I just got a white page with one textarea with this content in it:
{"success":true,"insert_primary_key":6,"success_message":"<p>Az adatok sikeresen elmentve az adatb\u00e1zisba. <a href='http:\/\/localhost\/7sa\/index.php\/login\/all\/edit\/6'>Szerekszt <\/a> vagy <a href='http:\/\/localhost\/7sa\/index.php\/login\/all'>Vissza a list\u00e1hoz<\/a><\/p>","success_list_url":"http:\/\/localhost\/7sa\/index.php\/login\/all\/success\/6"}
Why it is happening?
Could someone help me?
P.s.: I added two printScr where you can see what is my problem