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Paging not working when I set up and use the example code


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Posted 30 May 2012 - 09:46 AM

I am a newbie to using grocery crud and although it looks really great and appears to be fairly easy to setup and use I seem to have fallen at the first hurdle and wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction?
All of the pages of data displayed from the example display correctly but the paging bar at the bottom of the grid does not appear to do anything?
Obviously I am doing something wrong or I have missed something because I am sure that a simple thing like this would have been picked up ages ago?
I do notice that the installation page in the documentation shows a flexigrid.php file in the config folder and I don't appear to have that file in my download at all - is this correct or am I missing an important file?
Hope someone can help me out with this and get me going - look forward to your responses.
