Hi all,
I use last version of GC Enterprise, 2.6.1 and i need a suggest to solve an errore occourred when i try to search on a column of a joined table, join is made with a custom model.
My tables are:
Driver table tbl_facts with columns ID_GU_HAS_FACT, ID_GUEST and other attributes
Join table tbl_guests with columns ID_GUEST ( join key column), G_TITLE, FULLNAME and other attributes
Error is the missing column on driver table:
Message: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'tbl_facts.FULLNAME' in 'where clause'
Obviously the error is correct, on tbl_facts there isn't any column named FULLNAME, but it's extracted by custom query in custom model
Since with setRelation method i can't manage 2 external column, i created a custom model as for example published on GC Enterprise documentation
Following the extract of my code, first the controller and then the model
Controller code $model = new FactModel($db); $crud->setModel($model); $crud->setTable('tbl_facts'); $crud->columns(['G_TITLE','FULLNAME']); $output = $crud->render(); $this-> v_output($output);
Custom model code public function getFieldTypes($tableName) { $fieldTypes = parent::getFieldTypes($tableName); $gtitleFT = new ModelFieldType(); $fullnameFT = new ModelFieldType(); $gtitleFT->dataType = 'varchar'; $fullnameFT->dataType = 'varchar'; $fieldTypes['G_TITLE'] = $gtitleFT; $fieldTypes['FULLNAME'] = $fullnameFT; return $fieldTypes; } public function getOne($id) { $guests = parent::getOne($id); $this->db->select(" tbl_guests.G_TITLE, tbl_guests.FULLNAME, tbl_fact.* ", false); $this->db->join('tbl_guests', 'tbl_facts.ID_GUEST = tbl_guests.ID_GUEST', 'left'); $this->db->where('ID_GU_HAS_FACT', $id); return $guests; } public function getList() { $id_fact = $_GET['id_fact']; $order_by = $this->orderBy; $sorting = $this->sorting; $this->db->select("tbl_guests.G_TITLE, tbl_guests.FULLNAME, tbl_facts.* ", false); $this->db->join('tbl_guests', 'tbl_facts.ID_GUEST = tbl_guests.ID_GUEST', 'left'); $this->db->where('(tbl_facts.ID_FACT = '.$id_fact.' )'); if ($order_by !== null) { $this->db->order_by($order_by. " " . $sorting); } if (!empty($this->_filters)) { foreach ($this->_filters as $filter_name => $filter_value) { $this->db->like($filter_name, $filter_value); } } if (!empty($this->_filters_or)) { foreach ($this->_filters_or as $filter_name => $filter_value) { $this->db->or_like($filter_name, $filter_value); } } $this->db->limit($this->limit, ($this->limit * ($this->page - 1))); $results = $this->db->get($this->tableName)->result_array(); return $results; }
Is there any other function I need to insert in my custom model that is specifically for search function?
Or there is some error on my code?
Thanks to anyone can help me with this error