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Issues with Laravel installlation

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Posted 15 August 2018 - 19:16 PM

Hi guys


I'm having some issues with my Laravel installation of GC and I would really appreciate some help. I followed the installation manual (and double checked it) and I have tried everything I can think of.


When I open the page with Firefox it stays in an endless loading loop. Please see attachment "A".


When I open the page with Chrome it loads an empty card and outputs the following error:

jquery.js:3860 jQuery.Deferred exception: jQuery(...).groceryCrud is not a function TypeError: jQuery(...).groceryCrud is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.GroceryCRUDOnDocumentReady (http://cons.abc/assets/grocery-crud/js/build/grocery-crud-v2.6.0.58fe134.js:14589:29)
    at mightThrow (http://cons.abc/assets/grocery-crud/js/jquery/jquery.js:3583:29)
    at process (http://cons.abc/assets/grocery-crud/js/jquery/jquery.js:3651:12) undefined
jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook	@	jquery.js:3860
process	@	jquery.js:3655
setTimeout (async)		
(anonymous)	@	jquery.js:3689
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
fire	@	jquery.js:3455
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
ready	@	jquery.js:3920
completed	@	jquery.js:3930
jquery.js:3869 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).groceryCrud is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.GroceryCRUDOnDocumentReady (jquery-ui-timepicker.js:2291)
    at mightThrow (jquery.js:3583)
    at process (jquery.js:3651)
GroceryCRUDOnDocumentReady	@	jquery-ui-timepicker.js:2291
mightThrow	@	jquery.js:3583
process	@	jquery.js:3651
setTimeout (async)		
jQuery.readyException	@	jquery.js:3868
(anonymous)	@	jquery.js:3888
mightThrow	@	jquery.js:3583
process	@	jquery.js:3651
setTimeout (async)		
(anonymous)	@	jquery.js:3689
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
fire	@	jquery.js:3455
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
process	@	jquery.js:3671
setTimeout (async)		
(anonymous)	@	jquery.js:3689
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
fire	@	jquery.js:3455
fire	@	jquery.js:3317
fireWith	@	jquery.js:3447
ready	@	jquery.js:3920
completed	@	jquery.js:3930


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  • Member

Posted 16 August 2018 - 15:29 PM

I seemed to have figured it out. I had to remove the Jquery from my template.