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Unexpected token json

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 20:29 PM


I followed the exemple instructions to setup my first crud without composer and when load the page i got this error:

SyntaxError: unexpected token < in json at position 2

On chrome console:
[Violation] Forced reflow while executing javascript

Please, should anyone help me?

Or tell me how to debug this and how to solve this error?

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 00:02 AM

Hi Julio!


Are you using CodeIgniter as framework? I can help you if that's the case.



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Posted 14 August 2018 - 22:43 PM


Yes. I'm using CI.

About the error i fixed it.


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Posted 27 August 2018 - 16:06 PM

Hi, i have the same error in this CRUD, can un share your solution?


        $crud = $this->GCRUD_getGroceryCrudEnterprise();
        $crud->setSubject("Datos del usuario","Lista de usuarios");



            'id' => 'ID',
            'nombre' => 'Nombre',
            'email' => 'eMail',
            'clave' => 'Clave'

        $crud->defaultOrdering('login_usu.nombre', 'asc');


        $output = $crud->render();

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Posted 28 August 2018 - 10:58 AM

In my case the problem is that you cannot call $this->load->view('login_crud.php',$output); directly.
It says so clearly in the documentation and I have done it hundreds of times correctly :(
The call to the view should be like this:





    function GCRUD_output($template = "",$output = null) {
        if (isset($output->isJSONResponse) && $output->isJSONResponse) {
            header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
            echo $output->output;
