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Bug in Unique Fields?

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Posted 25 June 2018 - 21:20 PM

The Unique Fields function doesn't appear to be working.  Setting this value using $crud->uniqueFields(['fieldName']) does nothing. The sample page doesn't even enforce uniqueness:





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Posted 29 June 2018 - 01:35 AM

Same Observation...


Calling the attention of Sir @web-johnny regarding this one...



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Posted 30 June 2018 - 16:06 PM

I fear he's been kidnapped.  My questions/issues are verging on a week with no response from him.

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Posted 01 July 2018 - 23:30 PM

Hi there Mugs321,


Chill. He's going to reply. Perhaps he's just too busy right now.

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Posted 02 July 2018 - 14:02 PM

Chill?  I've chilled for a week already.  He's offering a paid product and not supporting it.  Hoping this is World Cup related and isn't a typical thing. lol

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Posted 10 July 2018 - 09:11 AM

Hello all,


I can reproduce this issue as well. This was working but I somehow accidentally remove this functionality. I will fix it as a first priority for the next release. By the way @larasmith I am working on depended dropdown list but as you can see other priorities are coming first :)


@Mugs321 it seems that you are not the only one having the frustration for the support so I will add a post to explaining in details about the support that I am offering. Usually it takes about 1-2 weeks for a reply(!!) and that's why I did create this forum so it can give the opportunity for people to get help from others as well while waiting for a reply.




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Posted 09 September 2018 - 04:52 AM

Hello all,


Just wanted to inform you that this bug was fixed and it is available for version 2.6.0 and higher  :D


