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action clone

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 15:41 PM

hi everyone,


I have no "clone" button on my grocery...


how I can do to have it ?


it's a configuration that I've forgotten ? it's an entreprise option ?


Thanks !


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 15:45 PM

Have you installed Version 1.6.1?


After installing this version, you should automatically have clone functionality added unless you unset clone.

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Posted 18 June 2018 - 05:53 AM

I've sure that I've installed this but I am in 1.5.8 !


I am going update now. thanks !!

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Posted 15 July 2018 - 08:36 AM

Hi everyone,


I'm having errors when using setClone function.


Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method GroceryCrud\Core\GroceryCrud::setClone()


I am using grocery-crud-enterprise-with-codeigniter-v2.5.7


Need help

