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Flexigrid Search All for Date, Datetime and Timestamp not working

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Posted 28 May 2018 - 09:46 AM

Hi GCer,


In my GC page using Flexigrid theme I noticed that when Search All on a Date type column it doesn't return any data.  The same with datetime and timestamp data types.  Though working if I select the column individually.


After further investigation I noticed in the Grocery_CRUD.php library line 674 there is this line

!in_array($field_types[$column->field_name]->type, array('date','datetime', 'timestamp'))

I don't know what's the purpose of excluding those data types from Search All query in GC.  Removing the 'date' solves this issue.  As to the effect of it that is still under test.


Does anyone knows the purpose of having that line in the query?  It seems this is not under Flexigrid but in GC.



