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CodeIgniter profiler not showing update/insert/delete queries from EDIT

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Posted 18 May 2018 - 13:29 PM

I am trying to debug some triggers used for auditing and to do so need to see the actual update/insert/delete queries performed on the database.  Unfortunately the MySQL database is on a shared hosting account where query logging is disabled and cannot be enabled.


The simplest method seems to be to use CodeIgniter's profiler class, which should show all of the queries executed.  Unfortunately, that seems to only show the queries used to generate the table view, not the update/insert/delete queries triggered by the EDIT functionality.    When clicking "Update Changes", no new queries are shown at all, presumably because the screen never reloads, and when clicking "Update and go back to list" I only get the queries associated with displaying the new view.


Is there any way to have these queries show up in the profiler?  Or some other efficient way to see all the update/insert/delete queries?  The key thing I'm looking at has to do with n-to-n relationships.  It's working fine using the normal GroceryCrud mechanism, but my triggers aren't working right since I can't see the actual queries being generated by GC when I add or remove a relationship.




ETA: CodeIgniter 3.1.4 and GC 1.5.8