Uncaught TypeError: $selector.ckeditor is not a function at Object.texteditor (jquery-plugins.js:32) at RichTexteditorWithPlugin.componentDidMount (rich-texteditor-with-plugin.js:28) at commitLifeCycles (react.v16.2.0.js:10997) at commitAllLifeCycles (react.v16.2.0.js:12173) at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react.v16.2.0.js:2265) at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react.v16.2.0.js:2304) at invokeGuardedCallback (react.v16.2.0.js:2161) at commitRoot (react.v16.2.0.js:12277) at performWorkOnRoot (react.v16.2.0.js:13244) at performWork (react.v16.2.0.js:13194) texteditor: function texteditor($selector) { $selector.ckeditor(); }
Using setTexteditor in a Multiple Grid returns TypeError
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Posted 04 May 2018 - 06:05 AM
Posted 13 May 2018 - 09:17 AM
Posted 06 January 2020 - 19:07 PM
Has this ever been resolved? I have the same issue.
Posted 08 January 2020 - 00:50 AM
Hi everyone!
I haven't tried using a multiple grid in my projects.
What projects are you working on that requires such?
Posted 08 January 2020 - 21:47 PM
My project has a client list. I added, to "more" a selection called "charts." In charts I display 3 grids. "Notes", "Clinical", and "Process."
These three grids work fine. The problem is with settexteditor function.
Uncaught TypeError:
$selector.ckeditor is not a function