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i got problem with set_field_upload


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Posted 26 April 2018 - 05:26 AM

this my code 

if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require APPPATH . '/libraries/BaseController.php';
class TransaksiProject extends BaseController {
public function __construct()
/* Standard Libraries */

/* ------------------ */    
function index()
	$this->global['pageTitle'] = 'Cargo Helper : 404 - Page Not Found';
    $this->loadViews("404", $this->global, NULL, NULL);
function getTransaksiProject()

        $crud = new grocery_CRUD();
        $crud->set_field_upload('attachment', 'assets/private');
        $crud->callback_add_field('no_barcode', function () {
		return $this->session->userdata("kd_perusahaan")."PR"."-".date("dmy").date("hidys", strtotime("+1 day"));
        $crud->set_relation('kodepos', 'tbl_harga', 'KODEPOS : {kodepos}, KEL : {kelurahan} KEC: {kecamatan} KAB: {kabupaten} Jenis: {jenis_kiriman} HARGA: {harga}');
        $crud->set_relation('id_company', 'tbl_company', 'Perusahaan : {nm_perusahaan}, Alamat : {alamat}');
        $crud->set_relation('id_jenis', 'tbl_jenis', 'nm_jenis');
	    'tnggl_jam'=> 'Jam Tanggal Transaksi',
	    'no_baroce'=> 'No. Transaksi'


        $output = $crud->render();

        $this->global['pageTitle'] = 'Cargo Helper : Data Transaksi Project';
        $this->loadViews("transaksiproject", $this->global, $output, NULL);
           //function _add_default_date_value(){
            //$value = !empty($value) ? $value : date("d-M-Y");
           // return $value;
           // }
           /// function getki(){
            ////$post_array['total']  = $post_array['total_item']*$post_array['harga'];
           /// return $post_array;
           // }
          //  function inserttanggal($post_array){
           // $post_array['tnggl_jam']= date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
           // return $post_array->db->insert('tbl_trans_project',$tnggl);
           // }
           // function shownobarcode($post_array) {
			//$post_array['no_barcode'] = $this->session->userdata("kd_perusahaan")."PR"."-".date("dmy").date("hidys", strtotime("+1 day"));
			//$query = $this->db->get_where('tbl_harga',array('id_harga'=>$post_array('harga')));
			//return $post_array;
            function insertDataBarcode($post_array) {
            $post_array['no_barcode']=$this->session->userdata("kd_perusahaan")."PR"."-".date("dmy").date("hidys", strtotime("+1 day"));
            $post_array['tnggl_jam']= date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
            $post_array['created_by']= $this->session->userdata("userId");
            return $this->db->insert('tbl_trans_project',$post_array);

when add form upload file fail but on edit form they can upload file

can i get suggest?