I have built my app using the free version. But I am getting down to the point where I am getting a little concerned about the refresh speed and have some other small issues that I am having trouble resolving, with little help. I already paid for the Enterprise version. How hard will it be for me to move my app from the free version to the Enterprise Edition? I already have a paid license.
using free version but might move to the enterprise version
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Posted 19 April 2018 - 14:44 PM
Posted 21 June 2018 - 01:18 AM
I also would like to do this. I have emailed about this in the past and the answer I was given was this... and I have not tried it yet but I wish it was easier to understand.
"For your question, have in mind that Grocery CRUD Enterprise is something slightly different from the community edition. What I trying to say is that you can have both in the same project. The syntax is a bit more different and you can see the functions here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise/api-and-function-list
Currently there is not any different instructions but there is full installation for Codeigniter here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise/enterprise-documentation/installation-guide so you can follow it step by step and you can add grocery CRUD Enterprise to your project without affecting your already installed grocery CRUD Community.
Posted 21 June 2018 - 08:21 AM
Hi there!
It would be nice and convenient to start a new project with the Enterprise edition. From the experience that you will get from there, you may now actually have an idea on what to change for currently existing projects. I did my startup using that method and find it helpful.
I hope this helps you too. :)