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Using Grocery CRUD Enterprise With Oracle 12c

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Posted 19 April 2018 - 09:06 AM



I have been trying to use Grocery CRUD Enterprise with Oracle12c. Sadly, at first i couldn't make a connection between Oracle Database and PHP. So that i can't use Enterprise edition with Oracle.


This is really matters for me because in the  company i work, we are using really old fashioned technologies, such as Delphi, Oracle PL-SQL etc. We even use PL-SQL for making complex web projects and it is really annoying and tiring. Most of our desktop applications are built with Delphi. Years ago Delphi was good, but now, everybody knows that sources on the internet are limited and documentation is not that good.


Sorry for long sentences and whining, but i really feel frustrated about myself and the company i work.


Our oracle DB is in our local network, i have to make a connection to a server which is in our intranet and i have to connect with IP address from my Computer.

I have installed Oracle Instant Client, I have configured apache on my desktop, i have installed oci8.dll, oci_12g.dll, oci_11g.dll, i tried many things, almost everything.


I would be very happy, if anyone can find me a way to achieve a connection between our Oracle DB and PHP.


It will be really a revolution for our company if i can make Grocery CRUD Enterprise work with our Oracle DB.


The error i got is attached. 





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Posted 26 April 2018 - 07:01 AM

After days of trying i have installed Zend Server and i can make a connection to Oracle Database with php.


Now i can add a record with Grocery Crud Enterprise to oracle 12c database. But coming to this step, i made a few chages on OracleMetadata.php and Config/Database.php. Some parameters used for Oracle queries were Oracle's basic keyword, i corrected them in OracleMetadata.php.


What I can do now:


1) I can add a record to Oracle 12c database.

2) I can paginate the records.

3) I can Export data to Excel and Print data.


What I can't do now:


1) I can't edit a record,

2) I can't search or filter data.

3) I cant Delete/Delete-Multiple data.

4) I can't Edit Data. 



When I tried to debug code I have seen that, Selecting data SQL not working properly. Primary key name and, select field name cannot be generated for a specific record. 

Error message is attached.


Anyone has Experience about using Grocery Crud with Oracle 12c? 

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 03:32 AM

Hello there,

First of all, I am sorry that you are experiencing this problem with Grocery CRUD Enterprise. The experience that you should had was everything to just run smoothly. On the other hand Oracle and MSSQL are not fully tested on Enterprise edition and we are based on the promise that Zend Adapter is doing their work correctly. So far with the feedback that I had from people we didn't have big issues except small things that was easily solved. I will try in the future to collect all the information somewhere in order to get a list of steps to guide them.
Now for your question :) In case the primary key is not recognized automatically you should use the function: setPrimaryKey for the field. You can see more about it here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise/api-and-function-list/setPrimaryKey
I think this will solve all of your issues that you have. In case that this is not solving all of them let me know.

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 08:04 AM

Hello John,


Thank you very much for your response.


I have already tried setting primary key field for the table. I didn't make a quick response, because i wanted to solve the issue by myself. Unfortunately, i couldn't make Grocery Crud work perfectly for Oracle 12c.


In my opinion, if Grocery Crud Enterprise works perfectly with all Oracle and MsSQL database versions, it would be a real revolution. Because big Companies generally prefer Oracle or MsSQL for database side and all companies  really need quick solutions for CRUD operations and filtering-exporting-printing on web-side applications. Grocery Crud Enterprise is really easy to use for developers and can be understood easily for new developers, so that lots of time will be saved for a company. 


The company I work for has 100 Million€ income per year. But in IT team, we couldn't figure out a solution faster than Grocery Crud Enterprise for now. Java, C# or solutions in other languages need much more coding  than Grocery Crud Enterprise. 


I have made a video for the steps i followed. You can see what i changed and what i have done for working some part of Grocery Crud Enterprise with Oracle 12c.


Sorry for the long video:




I am really waiting for a solution, like i thirst water in a desert. :)


