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Multiple Select and add multiple row to same table once


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Posted 11 April 2018 - 07:09 AM

In my project there is a dependent dropdown. I want to select multiple data from dropdown sometime all data, and all the data will insert to same table not to many to many relational table. My code is below --- 



$crud = new grocery_CRUD();

$crud->set_relation('fld_home_id', 'tbl_home_name', 'fld_name');
$crud->set_relation('fld_user_id','tbl_recipient', 'fld_name');
$crud->set_relation('fld_itemgrp_id', 'tbl_donate_group', 'fld_grp_name');
$crud->columns('fld_don_type', 'fld_home_id', 'fld_user_id', 'fld_itemgrp_id', 'fld_date', 'fld_details');
$crud->required_fields('fld_don_type','fld_home_id','fld_user_id', 'fld_itemgrp_id', 'fld_date');
$crud->display_as('fld_done_type', 'Donation Type');
$crud->display_as('fld_home_id', 'Home Name');
$crud->display_as('fld_user_id', 'Receipient');
$crud->display_as('fld_itemgrp_id', 'Donation Item');
$crud->display_as('fld_date', 'Donation Date');
$crud->display_as('fld_details', 'Details');
$crud->change_field_type('fld_don_type', 'dropdown', array('iftar' => 'ইফতার','jakat' => 'যাকাত','home' => 'ঘর'));
$crud->field_type('fld_user_id', 'multiselect');
$fields = array(
                //District Field
                'fld_home_id' => array(
                'table_name' => 'tbl_home_name',
                'title' => 'fld_name',
                'relate' => null
                'fld_user_id' => array(
                'table_name' => 'tbl_recipient',
                'title' => 'fld_name',
                'id_field' => 'fld_uid',
                'relate' => 'fld_home_id',
                'data-placeholder' => 'Select Home'

$config = array(
                'main_table' => 'tbl_home_name',
                'main_table_primary' => 'fld_uid',
                'url' => base_url() . 'index.php/libraries/makedonationppl/'

            $usrs = new gc_dependent_select($crud, $fields, $config);

            $js = $usrs->get_js();
            $output = $crud->render();




I want to multi select 'tbl_recipient'  and add as many row as selected item. But I can select only one item at once to tbl_donation_ppl table, is there any way to achieve it? Thanks in advance.


screenshot here == https://imgur.com/a/yTpee