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callbackColumn don't work on column setRelationNtoN

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Posted 31 January 2018 - 08:12 AM




$crud->setRelationNtoN('option', 'events_inscrits', 'events_inscrits', 'id', 'id', 'nom');
$crud->callbackColumn('option', function ($value, $row) {
                //return $this->_callback_colonnes_option($value, $row);
                return "pouetpouetpouet";


If I do not use the function callbackColumn, I have my field 'nom' wich is returned

But with this callbackColumn, I systematically primary key of my table which is retrouned


Maybe we can't use setRelationNtoN on unique table????


I use setRelationNtoN to add a column that does not exist in my table