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Use same object for multiple times

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Posted 23 January 2018 - 13:56 PM



in above example this way crud object is used.


$crud = new GroceryCrud($config, $database);


$crud2 = new GroceryCrud($config, $database);



but what if i want to used this way 


$crud = new GroceryCrud($config, $database);


$crud = new GroceryCrud($config, $database);


so is there any method so I can do $crud->unset; and can reuse that object .... ? i want to load data from mulitple table .. given below is my piece of code


foreach ($database_tables as $database_table) {
                $result = $crud->render();
                if ($result->isJSONResponse) {
                    header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
                    echo $result->output;
                $css_files = array_merge($result->css_files, $css_files);
                $js_files = array_merge($result->js_files, $js_files);
                $output .= $result->output;

right now if i use this way .... same table is shown.. for multiple times