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Search containing string in chosen / multiple select dropdown list

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Posted 11 January 2018 - 10:04 AM

Hi to all,


I have created a n_n relation and the jquery chosen plugin works very fine. I just experienced that when using the search field of the dropdown I only can search strings that start with the provided search string, but nothing that also contains the search string.


Is there a way to change this behaviour or is this a limitation of chosen.js ?


Thanks to all!


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Posted 23 July 2020 - 21:33 PM

Set search_contains: true into







    $(".chosen-select,.chosen-multiple-select").chosen({allow_single_deselect:true, search_contains: true});    

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Posted 15 October 2020 - 01:47 AM

A search box is added to the top of the dropdown automatically for select boxes where only a single option can be selected. The behavior and appearance of the search box can be easily customized with Select2. You can try it. word to pdf