I see the example in the docs but I don't actually get it.
These are the add actions for the demo.
$crud->add_action('More', '', 'demo/action_more','ui-icon-plus');
$crud->add_action('Photos', '', '','ui-icon-image',array($this,'just_a_test'));
$crud->add_action('Smileys', 'http://www.grocerycrud.com/assets/uploads/general/smiley.png', 'demo/action_smiley');
When I click on the +More button in the demo I get:
Just a test function for more button and id: 2
Go back to example
Where is the function that prints that? I don't see a function name or a link-url.
void add_action( string $label, string $image_url , string $link_url , string $css_class , mixed $url_callback)
On the second add action, Photos, when I press I get:
Just a test function for photos button and country: UK
Go back to example
But where is the code that is generating that?