You need to tweak up a bit of code in the theme - if you notice, you hardly have much option / space to put up another action in the theme besides delete. First, you need to build up some space up there ...Or may be bring Delete and all other actions in a dropdown. (Dropdown seems 2 be a better option).
Once done, you need to create custom JS to pickup / trigger action on change of the element in the dropdown. Give a popup confirming the action and then just perform the same.
What in the code needs to go - get the selection of all the checkboxes that have been checked .. along with the same, grab the set of ID's - make the relevant post with the selected IDs to take action
Controller - u know and will do it better with ..
Rest - you just need to add the JS to the crud by using set_js
1 thing to keep in mind - you need to write the functions that will hook on the change event in window.load function rather then $.ready .. because by the time this js is loaded - jquery is yet to be loaded.
Hope you can build up the code around this logic...
Happy GCing :)