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Visibility and Column Reordering

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Posted 06 December 2017 - 09:39 AM



You used dataTable for the rendering of your result.

I used dataTable also in my reporting tool.

In dataTable, 2 extensions are really incredible and fit the requirements of 90% of the users :

- Buttons (with visibility) which allows to hide fieldshttps://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/

- Col Reorder which allows to reorder fields : https://datatables.net/extensions/colreorder/


These 2 extensions makes dataTable very powerfull and very customizable because settings for these 2 extension are stored in LocalStorage.

Visibility (via Button) allows also to search into hidden fields. Amazing for most of the users.


I think that if you implement these 2 extension, your Grocery Crud could be award winning CRUD.


PS : I am Business Architect and Analyst. 

