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CodeIgniter and Grocery CRUD


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Posted 01 December 2017 - 08:03 AM

Just a question to clarify things. I have just started using CodeIgniter with Grocery CRUD, and KUDOS it is working great!

searching around i have found books and code examples for CodeIgniter but extremely little to find about Grocery CRUD, and for a "newbe" the Grocery Crud website and examples are not very easy to understand. so, the question is:

What is the difference between these? i have read in the CodeIgniter documentation that it also have a CRUD.... Am I right to presume that Grocery Crud is a "plug-in" to CodeIgniter? so i could create the whole website with user management etc. in CodeIgniter and use Grocery Crud as a plugin where needed?

Is there any better places to get Grocery CRUD tutorials and code examples? does any books exist about Grocery CRUD?

I am a "newbe" so please be gentle.

Thanks for any answers and pointers.



Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 01 December 2017 - 12:02 PM

Well my friend - u may consider GC as a plugin. But i will rather call it a library.

Yes, you can use it throughout the codeigniter as and where required.


Sorry - there aint much tutorials / any book available. But it is worth going through forum for questions asked / answers shared .. that will increase your knowledge using the same in much better way.


If you are a programmer, you will surely love it because this is very flexible with lot of possibilities with the same.


Happy GCing :)