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Show/Hide field from Dropdown

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Posted 20 November 2017 - 15:16 PM

Hi everyone,


I have a dropdown list field that, when selecting item 1, must hide the X field and display the Y one, selecting item 2 should reverse the action.
The content loaded in the list is in a table and there is a field in the item that defines its behavior.
I believe the solution is to use JS, but could someone please help me with an example and where to enter the code?


Amit Shah
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Posted 21 November 2017 - 04:30 AM

Hi Julio,


Well you can refer to the following post to understand the same...



There is a simple way around. Each field have have a name lets say contactFirstName. Each div container have a class assigned to the same..


The <fieldname>_form_group is a class assigned to the div container of the field.

So - its simple - u just need to pick up the class name - show / hide.. do whatever you like.


Happy GCing :)

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Posted 21 November 2017 - 21:33 PM

Hi Amit,


Sorry my lack of knowledge, but would you have an example code?


How can I get from dropdown a field value related the list item that's set in the table?



