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Showing changes when updating field

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 23:36 PM

Hi there!


I have created a GC project and it will be used by several users at the same time, page refreshes every 30secs (simple JS)


I would love to have this feature: if during a refreshment, any value has changed, display the field in red or at least show a notice saying that something has changed.


Is it possible? I am a newbie and an amateur so any help is much appreciated.



Amit Shah
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Posted 20 November 2017 - 07:08 AM

Hi there,


This is a special requirement and not something like a generic requirement. Yes, this is quite possible. You can refer to the following url for the idea as how to achieve the same. 




You will have to take in some prominent steps like pushing in the actual values that you have with u currently to a controller / method, there - it will pull in the fresh set of values and compare with the current values (that you have) .. based on the same you can build a json indicating changes. When returned back, you can take in necessary actions / steps as required.


Remember 1 thing - the above solution shared looks at handling event based on changes for specific field. But in your case - the same can be switched to some timeout function that will keep making ajax calls. 


Hope this clears your query / criteria.


Happy GCing :)