Is it possible to create dependent drop-down here in enterprise edition without modifying the core?
How to create DEPENDENT DROP-DOWNS in the enterprise edition?
Posted 11 August 2017 - 00:12 AM
Posted 16 August 2017 - 01:18 AM
Any ideas on this one?
It will be highly appreciated.
Posted 04 September 2017 - 07:00 AM
I'm still struggling in this one.
I've tried using jquery but still no luck..
Any suggestions?
Posted 05 September 2017 - 02:02 AM
This feature is useful and is extremely needed.
I just hope the development of this feature is prioritized.
My worst case scenario is switching back to the community edition which is able to do this feature.
Posted 12 September 2017 - 01:05 AM
Still hoping for this one...
Posted 22 September 2017 - 01:05 AM
And my hope never fails on this one...
Posted 26 September 2017 - 00:20 AM
Hopeful that this is in progress...
Posted 26 September 2017 - 16:55 PM
Hello @larasmith,
This functionality will be delayed as it is mainly difficult as it has lot of scenarios. However as it is always my pleasure to help people that uses Grocery CRUD (although without promises) I was thinking as Grocery CRUD Enterprise has a very strong core and the functionalities can be added as components, I was thinking to start creating some functionalities with name them "Kaizen" (the word Kaizen is "Continuous Improvement" in Japanese). I will give you an example. So let's say that I am creating the functionality depended dropdown list as Kaizen.
That will simply mean that the functionality is ready to implement it to your project however:
- It is not documented very well (e.g. the documentation is still under development)
- It is unstable for newer versions (e.g. in every update of the latest version you will need to check if the functionality is broken.)
- The development is not completed yet (we will have some changes at the future and they may be big ones)
The good news is that we will have some functionality that will work 100% (and of course considering that this can be used in production environments as well) but as the development will be as fast as possible we may have some instabilities as the architecture of the functionality wasn't well prepared.
I will give you some more specific examples. So far the difficulties that I am having with the depended dropdown are the following:
- As the requests on the server are many I can't test or design all the scenarios that we could have (e.g. it will take the most of my time to do that)
- Some JavaScript plugins are still in Release Candidate edition so they may change the way that they work at the next version
- Some small details may not work and it will need much more development to improve them (sometimes I am even writing the code from scratch or seriously contribute the development of the plugin)
As the functionality is in "Kaizen" mode however, I will clearly say it at the documentation that we will have some restrictions. For example:
- I will not spend too much time to answer difficult questions for a Kaizen version of a functionality (consider Kaizen as BETA version).
- The bug report for Kaizen functionalities will need to be clear and with as many details as possible or else they will not be considered at the bug fixing backlog.
A Kaizen version of a functionality will have down the list of known issues so the developers will consider them in case they want to use them.
So? What do you think @larasmith and everyone? Does Kaizen versions of some functionalities sounds good to you? If yes, then I will also announce it to the forums (or at a new blog that I will create?)
Remember that the dependent dropdown started as a work-around and now it is the most famous library in Grocery CRUD (with 100,000 views so far thanks to @victor :) )
Posted 27 September 2017 - 01:02 AM
Hello Sir @Johnny,
The Kaizen approach sounds good.
If this is implemented we can actually experience and test the feature being implemented and provide feedback.
We the users can actually contribute by using it because we can use it in different systems and further test where would a fix be needed.
Who knows that a Kaizen being featured can actually be a permanent feature of the Enterprise once its fully tested?
Let us keep improving and contributing for the betterment of our beloved GroceryCRUD.
Looking forward for this feature... Keep it up! :)
Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:44 AM
Hello @larasmit,
Well I was thinking about having it in the title and as a warning at the very beginning of the documentation. Of course Kaizen will not be there forever but if all the known issues are solved then we will remove all the [Kaizen] notes. An example of some Kaizen features of Grocery CRUD community edition that confused lot of people were:
- Multiple grid [Some scenarios missed]
- dialog forms [Following a completely different approach from the normal edition. Risky for production environments]
- CSRF protection (it was a Kaizen as it wasn't working for IE browsers)
I am thinking if I didn't have the word "BETA" and have the word "Kaizen" with a link to the explanation (at the above post really) then people at least will understand whats the whole point of creating Kaizen features.
I am desperately trying to find time to do some development and apparently the 90% of my time is supporting users through emails :( And because developers desperately need some features to have Kaizen features is the best for both sides.
Let's see how it will go. So far I like the idea and the name :D
Posted 19 October 2017 - 21:54 PM
it sounds really good, in terms of time I can only say that I understand you
go for it!
it sounds really good, in terms of time I can only say that I understand you
Posted 06 November 2017 - 01:10 AM
After the date issues have been resolved,
I hope that dependent drop down feature is next in line now...
This is going to be a big leap but indeed a very useful feature.
:) ^_^
Posted 06 June 2018 - 02:43 AM
Is there any progress happening for this feature? I hope there is...
So eager for it :) :) :)
Posted 08 June 2018 - 04:21 AM
Hello @larasmith,
Unfortunately it is always a new feature coming first :(
For example currently I was having issues with latest PHP 7.2 version and MSSQL database.
Now my next feature request is multiple uploads. And till then I am also creating a documentation for Laravel.
I hope after multiple uploads that the depended relations will be next. I am seriously thinking to open a kickstarter just for depended dropdown list. It is the no1 request and... the most difficult one :( !
Thank you for you patient @larasmith you are really helping the community to grow
Posted 08 June 2018 - 07:08 AM
Sir Johnny,
It's okay. I will never lose hope on this one. :) Sooner or later you'll figure it out.
I just hope I can help you out too... Maybe you can post a dedicated thread for it?
Who knows maybe others can contribute too just like in the free edition.
Thanks and Regards,
Lara Smith
Posted 08 June 2018 - 09:19 AM
That's true! If anyone is familiar with React ( and Redux ( and would like to help please send me a private message at:
The difficult part is the JavaScript part. The PHP is the easy one :)
Posted 01 July 2018 - 23:35 PM
Up for this issue this week...
Posted 21 July 2018 - 06:12 AM
So far this is in development but you can see a GIF video of the (real) progress that I've made so far. We have plenty more things to do (such as the dropdown list to be searchable) but I guess this will give a bit more patient for people to wait:
P.S. By the way I am spending the time that I have for holidays to release this functionality. I know this is tough for some people... but I like it to be honest :)
Posted 24 July 2018 - 00:17 AM
Hello Sir Johnny!
I know you can do it! Keep it up. :) We'll be waiting for your next version release...
Off the topic... I was quite worried about the bug in using the where condition of setRelation.
There are two of us in the forum that observed such behavior:
1. /topic/4338-error-in-setrelation-when-two-relations-point-to-same-table-and-both-use-where-clause/
2. /topic/4356-error-in-clicking-view-button-in-setrelation-with-where-condition-and-setprimarykey/
I do hope these issues get resolved too.
Thanks again and more power!
Posted 23 August 2018 - 13:57 PM
I am very glad to inform you that the latest version of Grocery CRUD Enterprise (v 2.6.1) now includes the dependent dropdown list functionality for more about it check: