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Bug in ckeditor library - cannot paste

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 07:18 AM

Hi John,

when trying to copy (or cut) and paste inside the ckeditor, the page flash and paste doesn't work.

I tried to download last version of ckeditor and change the library inside the grocery crud enterprise assets folder.

This fixed my problem and paste work as expected ( another window shows up and ask to paste the text again).


I suggest you to update the ckeditor library to fix the problem.


If anyone have this problem, i just fixed it like this :


1) downloaded the standard version of ckeditor


2) decompressed the folder inside assets/grocery-crud-enterprise/js/libraries folder


3) renamed the file jquery.js to ckeditor.adapter-jquery.js,  inside the "adapters" folder of ckeditor


4) moved that file in the main ckeditor folder (check the folder inside grocery crud to understand the folder structure)



Amit Shah
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Posted 21 April 2017 - 11:58 AM

Great going brother... nice sharing of a solution!!


Happy GCing :)

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 04:18 AM

Great for sharing that and great step by step tutorial :) 

This is now part of Grocery CRUD Enterprise and it will be released at version 2.2.6


