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Set table name from GET variable.

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 05:23 AM



I'm going straight to the point. I need to define the table name from GET variable. This variable is named "table".


Here you can see my code:

	public function crud(){
		//Fetching the GET variable into variable for easier use.
		$table = $this->input->get('table');

		//Load of CRUD and load it. 
		$crud = new grocery_CRUD();

		//Setting CRUD attributes.

		//Rendering it and loading the view with the data. 
		$data["output"] = $crud->render();
		$data["view"] = "data/crud";
    	        $this->load->view('layouts/main', $data);

But issue comes when I do the create function, then I lose the GET variable. 


Message: The table name cannot be empty.


Anyone got any good tips or tricks to get this sorted?


Thanks in advance. 


Best Regards

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 07:07 AM

And if you declare a variable with the table name before functions?

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 08:22 AM

Hi, thanks. 


Where do you recon that I declare this variable?


Just started using GroceryCRUD as you may understood ;-)

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 10:46 AM

I mean to declare $table as global so you can access to it within your function.

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 11:04 AM

What I did was added this to the top section of the function:

		//Fetching the GET variable into variable for easier use.
		//Using session variable to enable create/update
			$table = $_GET["table"];
			$this->session->set_userdata('table', $_GET["table"]);
			$table = $this->session->userdata('table');

I'm feeling that this is not the best way of doing it, but it works... 

Amit Shah
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Posted 30 March 2017 - 11:06 AM

well i dont really think u need to declare the table name .. hes actually planning to pass the table name and show the crud basis the table name. 

Now there is a catch to the same ... or a problem to the same -u may need to be lucky to have the parameter being added along.. else - next query that will be executed - u may loose  the data. It must pass on along with the params set - i just was skeptical as i never tried it and seen it in action.


Happy GCing :)

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Posted 30 March 2017 - 12:56 PM

Thanks. Have tested this now for about 100 records, seems to work fine. 

But I guess if you have to work with multiple create/update forms at the same time this will not work. 


Will try to send this out to the testing person today or tomorrow for testing.