I am far from an DB expert but done some work using DB´s before. And i thought it would be nice to use Grocery Crud for a project that i am re-writing from another guy who initialy wrote it. I think it´s a case of "bad DB design"...but i really don´t wan´t to mess around with the existing structure (i removed some fields for readability).
Here is my tables
-rep_id INT Primary Key
-rep_comment Varchar(255)
-rep_area INT
-area_id INT Primary Key
-area_name Varchar(255)
-area_company INT
-c_id INT Primary Key
-c_name Varchar(255)
What i want it so when i do $crud->set_table('report');
I want to fetch all the reports. And then fetch the name of the area and the name of the company.
But there is a problem here. The is a relation between "report.rep_area" and "area.area_id". So that works....but how do i get the company name from the company table?
I tried using area as a junction table with "set_relation_n_n"
But my "set_relation_n_n" field is empty.
Am i right in that i probobly need to add a new field to the report table that has a relation directly to company table?
Or is there another way to solve this?
Thanx in advance!