Flexigrid:Seaching will search whole table and disregard where function of GC
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Posted 28 April 2012 - 02:35 AM
I dont know if someone experience this. On my controller I filter the table using the where function of GC. but when I used the search (flexigrid theme) it will ignore the filter table and search the whole table.
Posted 28 April 2012 - 10:34 AM
I can confirm this behavior and even some additional issues. Have a look at the following screenshots.
Here's the contents of my table:
Now I add the following line of code to my controller:
$this->grocery_crud->where('cursuscode', 'TESTCOURSE');
This will lead to the following contents in the flexigrid:
So far so good.
But now I search for 'MYCOURSE' in all fields. I then get:
This is exactly the problem you are describing: flexigrid search seems to disregards the WHERE clause.
However, the problem doesn't stop there. I now add another line of code to my contoller
$this->grocery_crud->or_where('cursuscode', 'MYCOURSE');
So, the query should now contain "WHERE cursuscode = 'TESTCOURSE' OR cursuscode = 'MYCOURSE'. This will lead to the following contents in the flexigrid:
This is as expected. So far so good.
But now I do some more searches, first for 'TESTCOURSE':
This is not as expected; TESTCOURSE2 should not be there, according to the WHERE clause.
And let's now search for 'MYCOURSE':
This is not as expected; TESTCOURSE should not be there, according to the flexigrid search condition.
And finally, let's search for 'ANOTHERCOURSE':
This is again not as expected; ANOTHERCOURSE should not be there, according to the WHERE clause and TESTCOURSE should not be there according to the flexigrid search condition.
Any thoughts?
Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:12 AM
I track it as an issue at git-hub ( https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/issues/23 ) and I will try to fix it as for the next vesion (1.2.2) . The good news are that the 1.2.2 is mostly bug fixes. So far for the version 1.2.2 I have fix the following bugs:
#13 - The list search and ordering is not working with the n-n relation columns.
Also small bug fixes:
#20 - Pressing tab and enter after adding a date or a datetime field it clears the date.
#21 - By default the texteditor transform the utf8 to html entities.
#22 - Doesn't recognize that a tinyint 1 or int 1 can just take a numeric value more than 1.
Thanks to mention it.
Posted 22 February 2013 - 21:03 PM
Hi, @web-johnny, i have one problem...
i have a version 1.3.3 of grocery crud, but when i use search option the $crud->where rule no work, i see the sql when i mark all field for search the $crud->where rule work, but when i select a specific colum or field to search the $crud->where() rule no work.
can you helpme ?
Posted 24 February 2013 - 20:47 PM
carlinchisart, show your code
Posted 25 February 2013 - 13:09 PM
Hi @victor,
i see in other grocery crud function, but i have the same result, this is the code of my function
$crud = new grocery_CRUD(); $crud->set_table('anticipos'); $crud->where('estado', 'transferido'); $crud->where('id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id()); $crud->unset_operations(); $crud->set_relation('idbeneficiario', 'beneficiarios_anticipos', '{nombre} {apellidos} {cedula}'); $crud->callback_column('detalle_solicitud', array($this, '_callback_detalle_solicitud')); $crud->callback_column('legalizaciones_realizadas', array($this, '_callback_legalizaciones_realizadas')); $crud->callback_column('id', array($this, '_callback_quienes_solicita')); $crud->callback_column('valor_autorizado', array($this, '_callback_money_format')); $crud->columns('idanticipo','fecha_solicitud','numero_tesoreria' ,'id', 'idbeneficiario', 'detalle_solicitud', 'idproyecto','numero_de_orden_de_servicio','valor_autorizado', 'legalizaciones_realizadas'); $crud->set_relation('idproyecto', 'proyectos', 'nombre_proyecto'); $crud->display_as('idproyecto','Proyecto'); $crud->display_as('idanticipo', 'Numero anticipo'); $crud->display_as('idproyecto','Proyecto'); $crud->display_as('idbeneficiario', 'Beneficiario'); $crud->display_as('id', 'Solicitado por'); $crud->add_action('Registrar legalizacion', base_url() . 'images/autorizar.png', '', 'ui-icon-image', array($this, '_redirecLegalizacionAnticipo')); $output = $crud->render(); $output->ruta_vista = 'example'; $this->load->view('includes/templeate', $output);
the problem is when i select for search the field 'beneficiario', if i select other field the search work ok.
I delete the fields in relation idbeneficiario only put the field nombre in the relation, remove 'apellidos' and 'cedula', so the search work fine!!!.
i think the problem is when the relation have more that one field.