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alternative coding style -- a couple of examples refactored

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 20:15 PM

thought i would post examples.php with employees_management() re-factored to a coding style that reduces repetition:

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

/* class assumes the following autoloader config settings:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'grocery_CRUD');
$autoload['helper'] = array('security', 'url');

class Examples extends CI_Controller {

	public function __construct()

	public function _example_output($output = null)

	public function employees_management()
				->display_as('officeCode','Office City')

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 13:29 PM

the refactored example is now on github





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Posted 02 February 2017 - 14:09 PM

i've posted an update on github that shows how to include in the edit for customers a link to a crud that lists the orders for that customer only. like so:

	public function customers_management()
			$this->grocery_crud ->set_table('customers')
				->display_as('salesRepEmployeeNumber','Sales Employee')
				->display_as('contactLastName','Last Name')
				->set_subject(' ')
		function _edit_field_callback_customers($value, $primary_key)
			$this->session->set_userdata('customerID', $primary_key); // stateful
			return '<input type="text" maxlength="50" value="'.$value.'" name="customerName"> &nbsp; &nbsp;
					<a href="'.site_url().'example/cust_orders_management">Click Here to View Customer Orders</a>'; 

	public function cust_orders_management()
		if($this->session->userdata('customerID')===0){ die('invalid request'); } // stateful
			$this->grocery_crud	->set_table('orders') 
				->where('orders.customerNumber', $this->session->userdata('customerID'))
				->set_subject(' ')

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Posted 15 September 2018 - 15:11 PM

the refactored examples are now here:

