The table I am trying to work with has a field 'Notes' of type TEXT (no length set - default MySQL length should be 2^16-1 bytes). Using either Flexigrid or Datatables theme, when you do an edit the update fails:
"Update changes" produces the result shown below - which looks like as JSON array. Clicking on the link is no good due to the double \ in the actual hyperlink.
"Update and go back to list" never completes.
If I change the field from TEXT to VARCHAR(1000), no issues. Or if select my fields and exclude the Notes field everything appears to work.
However, if I set the type to VARCHAR and then use $crud->field_type('Notes','text') to get the text box editor back for this field, the same behavior as above occurs.
Other than these work arounds, any suggestions on how to fix?
GroceryCrud version = 1.5.8
Currently working in MAMP development environment (on Mac OS X)