Hello fellow programmers. Hello John.
First, I have been unable to access my account, so I had to create a new one. I tried the password recovery, but the system doesn't send me the recovery e-mail. :/
I came across with a annoying problem regarding the framework, which I don't know if it is part of the normal behaviour of the framework or it is a bug.
Here's the problem:
I want to unset the default actions of the grid and set them manually if a certain condition is satisfied. The problem is that when I try to edit a record, I get an PHP exception error:
An uncaught Exception was encountered Type: Exception Message: You don't have permissions for this operation Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\protocolo\application\libraries\Grocery_CRUD.php
Here's my code:
$this->grocery_crud->unset_add(); $this->grocery_crud->unset_edit(); $this->grocery_crud->unset_delete(); $this->grocery_crud->add_action('Excluir Protocolo', '/protocolo/pics/close.png', '', 'delete-row', array($this,'set_url_exclui_protocolo')); $this->grocery_crud->add_action('Alterar Protocolo', '/protocolo/pics/edit.png', '', 'edit_button', array($this,'set_url_altera_protocolo')); $this->grocery_crud->add_action('Visualizar Protocolo', '/protocolo/pics/magnifier.png', 'edit_button', '', array($this,'set_url_visualiza_protocolo'));
The callback functions:
function set_url_exclui_protocolo($primary_key, $row){ return (site_url(strtolower(__CLASS__) . '/index/delete/' . $primary_key)); } function set_url_visualiza_protocolo($primary_key, $row){ return (site_url(strtolower(__CLASS__) . '/index/read/' . $primary_key)); } function set_url_altera_protocolo($primary_key, $row){ return (site_url(strtolower(__CLASS__) . '/index/edit/' . $primary_key)); }
Any hints?
Thanks for listening.