Hello Goodnight.
I've been trying to create a function with the add_action that allows me to clone a complete row can then edit , or allow me to add a new record using add form function but copying the data from selected record.
I was trying to clone the record, with this:
$crud->add_action('Clonar', '/images/clonar.png', array($this,'editar_instrumento_cop_aut_esc_pub'));
function clonar_instrumento_cop_aut_esc_pub($primary_key, $row)
$limit = 10;
$offset = 0;
$query = $this->db->get_where('cop_aut_esc_pub', array('id_doc' => $primary_key), $limit, $offset);
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
$res = $query->result();
$row = $res[0];
$doc_insert = array(
"num_cop" => $row->num_cop,
"fec_exp" => $row->fec_exp,
"num_esc" => $row->num_esc,
"fec_otor" => $row->fec_otor,
"act_neg" => $row->act_neg,
"nom_conv" => $row->nom_conv,
"val_pre" => $row->val_pre,
"num_folio" => $row->num_folio,
"num_ced" => $row->num_ced,
"id_usu" => $_SESSION['id_usu'],
"num_pin" => ""
$this->db->insert('cop_aut_esc_pub', $doc_insert);
....but when you refresh the page cloned the first a lot of times and have to cancel, without having given the clone button .
Someone has done and could guide me ? Thank you very much.