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Drill Down Relationship grid

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Posted 06 July 2016 - 06:44 AM

I have looked around the forum and can not seem to find the answer, but I am sure it has been done. 


I want to select a record from a list and have another list use a field from my selection to limit the second list... maybe a couple of times on the page.  Think of Excel pivot table drill down.


The scenario, I open a list of customers.  when I select a customer, a list of orders for that customer automatically shows up in a list below, Then if I select an order from that list, a list of items in that order shows up.  


below that updates using a where clause from my selection. 


Another example, I create a new record in a call notes table. When the form opens, I select a customer from a dropdown that comes from a relationship. when I select a certain customer from that list, a box with the customers order history opens up below the edit fields with a lost of previous orders... which I can click on to open the detail about that order.


I really like it so far.   And admit that these may be nubie questions that likely have already been answered someplace.  


Thanks in advance for any thoughts.