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Bootstrap theme: How to disable table resize and column width

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Posted 03 May 2016 - 22:52 PM

Hello, i recently acquired Bootstrap Theme and already made my modifications.


However, how do i disable table resize, i'll explain:


I have this in full screen mode (1600x900), it looks good, but there's a little space gap in left and right sides.




But when i reduce the browser size, the gap is more big.




I want to fill the table to 100% of his container (i'm using an iframe).


Also, i want to disable the same width-column feature in this theme, i want it sized like flexigrid theme, using the width as it needs.





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Posted 29 November 2019 - 09:38 AM

Hi Jim,

Did you manage to solve your issue?


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Posted 27 February 2020 - 11:16 AM

i have a similar issue but i dont want to disable resize fields but enable it or to make something to wrap password . i created pass with aes-256 and the size of the field is big... how can i fix this .