I posted this email under earlier in December 12, 2015 and never received a response so I will try again.
"A little late to the party but I am interested in this topic.
I have a spreadsheet with events scheduling for 3 separate rooms with a need to prevent both class and instructor conflicts between rooms. Displaying it as a single grid would be feasible but require more logic than having 3 separate grids displayed vertical instead of horizontal.
Will start following your progress."
So what I am trying to do is have a grid using the same table display separate room. Each event has its own separate row with the key (Not Primary Key) of activityType, courseNumber, eventStarDate (a DateTime field), Room eg: C, 101, 2016-04-23 09:00:00, D (Class Type = C, Course Number 101, date, Room D). There could be a class C, 105, 2016-04-23 09:00:00, E.