Hi to all ,
I wanted to customize my custom code as follows
I wonder if you have an idea
Thank you
fullname ,
film.film_id ,
FROM actor, film_actor , film
WHERE actor.actor_id = film_actor.actor_id
AND film_actor.film_id = film.film_id
ORDER BY film.title
1) Step 1
Whene i add new cours :
Insert 'moduleid' into table 'film_actor'
2) Step 2
When i want to add new cours :
After Select for example 'module2'
In the section 'Add all' in the right
Make the display as the result of this query:
SELECT actor.actor_id,actor.fullname FROM actor
WHERE actor.actor_id NOT IN
(SELECT film_actor.actor_id FROM film_actor
WHERE moduleid <> 2
ORDER BY film_actor.actor_id )