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Bootstrap theme: dropdown & multiselect touch (smartphone/tablet) issue

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Posted 14 February 2016 - 19:53 PM



I'm facing issue with latest version of GC and bootstrap theme because dropdown & multiselect

 won't work on touch devices.


Seems to be a problem with  chosen plugin


Anyone solved this ?

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Posted 06 March 2017 - 04:11 AM

Hi, Good Day to all.

Please kindly help I also encounter the same problem on flexigrid theme. The dropdown multiselect is not showing the actual records of the selection list. Only the add all and remove all button appear on mobile devices(Iphone 5s, ASUS Zenfone 3 Max 5.5 with all browsers safari, chrome etc...)

but on Desktop and Laptop browsers its working without any problem.


This is a very good framework.



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Posted 26 February 2021 - 09:54 AM



i had the same Problem this week an i solved it with this small Code:


Go to the file:

  • Grocery_CRUD.php
  • search the function near Line: 2957 -> protected function get_relation_n_n_input($field_info_type, $selected_values)
  • find the line: $css_class = $has_priority_field || $is_ie_7 ? 'multiselect''chosen-multiple-select';
  • add Code before this line:
  • // Hack SysMo 
                    // - detect mobile
                    $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                    $isMob = is_numeric(strpos($ua, "mobile"));
                    if ($isMob) 
                    { $has_priority_field = false;};
                    // - detect Safari on Mac
                    $isMac = is_numeric(strpos($ua, "macintosh"));
                    $isSafari = is_numeric(strpos($ua, "safari"));
                    $isChrome  = is_numeric(strpos($ua, "chrome"));
                    if ($isMac and $isSafari and !$isChrome)
                    {$has_priority_field = false;};
                // End
  • Now on Mobil-Devices an on Ipad and Mac with Safari you can multiple select Options!  :)