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unset_texteditor for every field

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Posted 21 April 2012 - 16:17 PM


my Table consists of many text-columns and editing created a texteditior on every field.
The columns are dynamically created on an import, so I don't necessarily know the names.

I found no simple solution to do an "unset_texteditor" for every field.

So I changed the following in grocery_crud.php:

case 'text':
if(!empty($this->unset_texteditor) && in_array($field_info->name,$this->unset_texteditor))
$field_info->extras = false;
$field_info->extras = 'text_editor';

to the following:

case 'text':
if(!empty($this->unset_texteditor) && (in_array($field_info->name,$this->unset_texteditor) || ($this->unset_texteditor[0]=='*') ) )
$field_info->extras = false;
$field_info->extras = 'text_editor';

I can do an unset_texteditor for every field with this:


Perhaps this helps someone.
Would be great, if you could integrate such a solution into one of the next Version.


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 17:08 PM

Thank you [member='yvkr'] that you share this. I will have it in mind to have such a think to a newer version. I was just thinking a simpler idea:


without any parameter to unset all the texteditors from the crud. We'll see if I have time to do it as I already have a plan for the next version.

I am also moving this topic to extra Coding/Plugins so other people also know.