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Adding a Title to flexigrid

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 21:17 PM

I saw an extra open space inside of flexigrid for table title, included a brief line of code to add a title if you set a subject for that title

under assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/views/list_template.php lines 25 - 27

I replaced

<div class="ftitle">


<div class="ftitle">
<?php if(strtolower($subject) != 'record'): echo $subject; else: echo '&nbsp;'; endif; ?>

Just in case someone needs it!

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 02:21 AM

Thanks a lot abradford!

I was just thinking about that.


Could you please consider including this on your next release?
Perhaps you could have a config variable allowing to turn on/off this feature.

PS. I just thought a little about this and ideally we would be able to set this on the crud creation function. Something like this:

$crud->set_table_title('TABLE TITLE GOES HERE'); default to empty then you wouldn't even need to have it on the config file.

I found this to be specially usefull when you minimize the tables, otherwise you wouldn't know which one is which until you maximize them.


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Posted 10 June 2012 - 13:57 PM

The new version is already planned. Perhaps in two releases from now. But still not promising anything :)

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 14:36 PM

Thanks for considering it!

sachin vairagi
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Posted 12 February 2013 - 17:33 PM

hello everyone,



I have set up table title for flexgrid theme,you just need to replace following files:-







in controller you can use it as follows:-


    function offices_management()
            $crud = new grocery_CRUD();

            $crud->set_table_title('Office management');
            $output = $crud->render();
        }catch(Exception $e){
            show_error($e->getMessage().' --- '.$e->getTraceAsString());



cheers !!!!!

sachin vairagi
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Posted 13 February 2013 - 18:24 PM

by using above library you can also give table title in datatables theme,

just open


and write

<?php echo $table_title;?> around line no 102,title will be show above add button.

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Posted 14 February 2013 - 00:39 AM

hello everyone,



I have set up table title for flexgrid theme,you just need to replace following files:-







in controller you can use it as follows:-


    function offices_management()
            $crud = new grocery_CRUD();

            $crud->set_table_title('Office management');
            $output = $crud->render();
        }catch(Exception $e){
            show_error($e->getMessage().' --- '.$e->getTraceAsString());



cheers !!!!!


Error on line 29 add_edit_button_listener(); flexigrid.js Some conflicts on list_template.php  with other javascripts

sachin vairagi
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Posted 14 February 2013 - 05:53 AM

hi tlc033,


thanks for considering my post. can you please give me a screenshot of that error ,i'll try to solve it..

sachin vairagi
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Posted 14 February 2013 - 06:10 AM

i have tested my code again but still unable to find error, it will be helpful if you discribe eorror.

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Posted 14 February 2013 - 08:40 AM

I have this error on line 29 flexigrid.js


ReferenceError: add_edit_button_listener is not defined



P.S. it's posible error is on my side, conflict with some JS file, i well check this.

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Posted 15 February 2013 - 05:02 AM

Fatal error: Call to undefined method grocery_CRUD::set_table_title()   give error

sachin vairagi
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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:30 AM

hi php_lover,


download the grocery_crud.php file from above post and replace it in your    application\libraries  folder




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Posted 20 February 2013 - 06:53 AM

Thanks Sachin

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 14:25 PM

Just upgraded to v 1.3.3 and also getting:

Uncaught ReferenceError: add_edit_button_listener is not defined


Edit: I cleared my cache and its OK. Maybe its in the old version which was cached. 

Max Grafix
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Posted 01 December 2013 - 02:17 AM

Great work Sachin (Y)...