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How to set the upload folder according the operation of CRUD (add, edit)?


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 17:25 PM

Hello, how can I set the value of set_field_upload according the state of the CRUD operation?

				    $state = $crud->getState();
				    $state_info = $crud->getStateInfo();
				   if ( $state == 'edit' )
				    	$primary_key = $state_info->primary_key;
					$crud->set_field_upload('foto', 'assets/data/' . $primary_key);	

				    elseif ( $state == 'add' ) 
                                         $crud->set_field_upload('foto', 'assets/uploads');	
				    } // if	

This is my code but, don't work, any suggestion? thanks