i have to change the message generate for grocery when insert data, but no is the mesagge 'insert_success_message' im talk the this message
<textarea>{"success":true,"insert_primary_key":0,"success_message":"<p>Los datos fueron insertados correctamente en la Base de datos. <a href='http:\/\/diateccolombia.com\/promocionTIC\/index.php\/institucion\/otrasAccion\/cargarPoliza\/edit\/0'>Editar Poliza<\/a> o <a href='http:\/\/diateccolombia.com\/promocionTIC\/index.php\/institucion\/otrasAccion\/cargarPoliza'>Regresar a la lista<\/a><\/p>"}</textarea>
this message are create if i disable javascript function, my problem is the language, is posible translate?
this is becouse i developed one aplication for a people with visual disabilities, so when insert data they listend the message.
i think the same process is when update or delete data, but in this accion in this moment i don't know.