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Grocery_Crud_MultiSearch library for Flexigrid

Akshay Hegde
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Posted 29 June 2015 - 12:00 PM

Hi ! Guys


This is my second small library which extends existing grocery_crud library this made my work easy so I just wanted to share with you guys, so that you can also make use of it. If If anyone wants to improve you are most welcome.


Please use below link to use the same





Guys I have plan to work on cookies (for multisearch) after sometimes, as I am busy with some project, please let me know difficulties you experienced, if any  or any useful feedback / suggestion for further improvements




Thank you


Akshay Hegde

Ador El
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Posted 03 July 2015 - 17:12 PM

Thanks for sharing this interesting feature, I have seen people wanting this for some time.

Akshay Hegde
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Posted 04 July 2015 - 15:29 PM

You are welcome