Hello everyone, im new in this community, i would like to share a solution of a problem that happened with me.
When i upload a image (using image_moo) with a file that have a plus sign (+) on the name, will work, but bug when i try to delete i get Javascript Error 400 (Bad Request)
http://lnborges.com.br/bug.gif (gif showing the problem)
The solution that i found, is to modify the core and put str_replace on the _transliterate_characters function.
Now the function become.
private function _transliterate_characters($file_name) { include($this->default_config_path.'/translit_chars.php'); if ( ! isset($translit_characters)) { return preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+?){1}/i", '-', $file_name); } $transformed_file_name = preg_replace(array_keys($translit_characters), array_values($translit_characters), $file_name); $transformed_file_name = str_replace("+", "-", $transformed_file_name); //new line, + to - return str_replace(" ", "-", $transformed_file_name); }
Sorry about bad english and thank you for grocerycrud project. :wub: