In the 'grocery_CRUD_Field_Types' class under function 'get_field_input', you can a case as follows:
case 'label':
$field_info->input = $this->get_label($field_info,$value);
Then under the class 'grocery_CRUD_Layout' add the following function:
protected function get_label($field_info,$value)
$value = !is_string($value) || $value=='' ? 'N/A' : $value;
$input = "<span id='{$field_info->name}'>$value </span>";
return $input;
Now in your code you can do something like:
$crud->change_field_type('dateCreated', 'label');
And it would look like this:
It would display N/A when blank as in the add screen.
@web-johnny I had troubles extending the library myself, so couldn't include the proper way of doing it.
Hope this might come in handy!