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[Ask] Error While Creating a CRUD using Grocery with Big Data


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:34 AM

Dear All,


i'd been create a ordinary CRUD using Grocery with a table contains 84.463 records. As a result, i've getting error 500 Internal Server Error from my browser. Here's my function inside the Reports Controller :

function student_display($test_id=0, $nis=0){	
        $crud = new grocery_CRUD();
        $output = $crud->render();

The strange things is if I uncomment this line "    //$crud->set_table('students');"  and make this line a comments "$crud->set_table('testing');" everything will running well. I've tried to many others table inside my database. Everything running well.


To fulfill my curious, i start an experiments by truncate 84.463 records inside the testing table. The result is, everything running well :D


why it hapends? Did anyone experience with this?


thank you



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:14 PM

Could you specify the error?

100k records is not that much.


Try adding a primary key.


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 23:41 PM

The error message is only "Error 500 - Internal Server Error". Yeah is working when i adding a primary key. Why it hapens?


This table is a transactions table, so i think it not neccessary to add a primary key. Unfortunately, Grocery couldn't deal with it.


thanks Titu